Case Studies

Wish Tower Cafe, Eastbourne

LOCATION Eastbourne

A recently completed £45k project for local constructor Cheesmur Building Contractors Ltd, on behalf of East Sussex County Council saw the demolition of the former Wish Tower Cafe located on the Eastbourne seafront.

The site of the ‘Wish Tower’ is a Grade 1 listed building dating back to prehistoric times and is thought to contain significant Roman relics as well as 19th and 20th century artefacts. All that remains of the Wish Tower itself is the curved wall which has been declared an ancient monument and whilst no work can be made on this structure there are plans for a major archaeological dig on the surrounding cleared site.

Taking down the mainly timber frame structure presented few problems but tackling the reinforced concrete floor and cantileved balcony, as well as working around a ‘live’ electrical sub-station, required temporary works and detailed planning consent.

Added to this factor, a pair of ducks had decided to start a family just as the work was scheduled to get underway and mother nature was allowed to do her bit whilst the demolition team stood by. The project was completed on time and within budget despite these hiccups and was another successful achievement for the Dorton Group, who’s engineering and innovative methods have proved a real hit when tackling and working around historically important listed structures.