Case Studies

Asbestos removal works, Coombe Girls’ School, Surrey

LOCATION Clarence Avenue, New Malden,
Surrey KT3 3TU

Demolition and asbestos removal works – “Green” Block at Coombe Girls’ School, Clarence Avenue, New Malden, Surrey KT3 3TU

In January 2017 Dorton Demolition & Excavation Limited was awarded the contract for the demolition of the “Green” block at Coombe Girls’ School following a two-stage tendering process. The works involved the demolition of a former science block annexed to the main school building referred to as the “Green” block, situated in the center of the school grounds, including all substructures, the removal and disposal of all asbestos containing materials, disconnection, re-routing, capping to mains services infrastructure, and backfilling excavations, in preparation for landscaping by others.

Where the “Green” block was separated from the main school building’s entrance lobby, a new external door set and re-decoration of the new entrance lobby was undertaken as part of the contract works.

The “Green” block was a prefabricated two-storey demountable block constructed of a steel frame with metal external wall panels and timber decking. Asbestos ‘Belgian’ board paneling was used on internal wall linings, internal wall partitions, within boxing to room corners, upstands to skylights, stair wells, soffit paneling and within floor ducts. Removal involved a difficult and laborious process before the structural reduction could begin. In total 30m3 of asbestos materials were removed to licensable landfill sites.

Throughout the demolition programme, there was continual liaison with the School regarding interfacing of the works with school activities which included a summer school, 2 exam results days, enrolment days and other school lettings. The works were carried out in such a manner as to create the minimum disturbance to occupiers of adjacent buildings. Noise, vibration and air pollution levels were monitored at all times and appropriate and recommended actions undertaken to prevent levels becoming excessive over any time period.

In total 30 tons of rubbish was sent to a licensed waste transfer station for processing, with 45m3 hardcore and 105m3 tons concrete recycled. The project was completed with no incidents, accidents or complaints being recorded.